Gherkin Feature Stanzas

  • There can only be one feature per file
  • Every feature starts with:
    • Feature: {Title}
  • Followed by narrative:
    • In order to {achieve a benefit}
    • As a {role or user}
    • I need to {do something}


The feature stanza is never executed, but it is parsed. The “Feature:” label MUST be present at the top of each feature file.

Gherkin Scenario Format

Given: Defines the initial state of the system for the scenario

Given I am on the homepage

When: Describes the action performed on the system

When I press "Log in"

Then: Describes the system state after the action has been performed

Then I should see "Username field is required"

And, But: Can be added to any of the above

And I should see "Password field is required"
  • Each line is called a Step
  • Each step is supported by PHP code

The whole feature


Feature: Maintain content
  In order to maintain site content
  As an editor
  I need to log in

  Scenario: Enter valid username and password // Happy path
    Given I am on the homepage
    When I fill in "admin" for "Username"
    And I fill in "admin" for "Password"
    And I press "Log in"
    Then I should see "Add content"

  Scenario: Fail to enter username or password // Less happy path
    Given I am on the homepage
    When I press "Log in"
    Then I should see "Username field is required"
    And I should see "Password field is required"

Scenario Style

  • Every scenario is indendent
  • Always from perspecitve of the role identified in the feature
  • No more than 6 - 8 scenarios per feature
  • One Given: Set the scene
  • One When: Change the scene
  • One Then: Observe the outcome
  • Each with as many Ands or Buts as needed


Once a step definition is written in PHP, the step can be re-used:

Scenario: Access free content
  Given I am on "/series/learning-sass-and-compass"
  When I follow "What is a CSS Preprocessor?"
  Then I should see "What is a CSS Preprocessor?"
  And I should see "Interactive Transcripts"

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Quality Assurance using Behat and the Drupal Extension

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Elaborate with Scenarios

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