# ~melissa/.drush/myaliases.drushrc.php
$aliases['seven'] = array(
'root' => '/var/www/seven/drupal',
'uri' => 'seven.l',
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | default:
features: 'features'
goutte: ~
selenium2: ~
base_url: 'http://drupal.l'
blackbox: ~
alias: 'seven'
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | default:
features: 'features'
goutte: ~
selenium2: ~
base_url: http://drupal.l
show_cmd: firefox %s
blackbox: ~
api_driver: "drupal"
drupal_root: "/var/www/seven/drupal"
Given I press "Search" in the "Header" region
Given I fill in "Foo" for "Search" in the "Header"
Given I fill in "Search" with "Foo" in the "Header"
When I follow "My link" in the "right sidebar"
Then I should see the error message containing "An error message"
Then I should see the following error "An error message"
Then I should see the error message containing "a partial error message"
Then I should not see the following error "an error message"
Then I should see the success message "something happened!"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | default:
features: 'features'
goutte: ~
selenium2: ~
base_url: http://drupal.l
blackbox: ~
Header: '.region-header'
Featured: '.region-featured'
Sidebar first: '.region-sidebar-first'
Left sidebar: '.region-sidebar-first'
Sidebar second: '.region-sidebar-second'
Highlighted: '.region-highlighted'
Help: '.region-content'
Content: '.region-content'
Tryptych first: '.region-triptych-first'
Triptych middle: '.region-triptych-first'
Triptych last: '.region-triptych-first'
Footer first column: '.region-footer-firstcolumn'
Footer second column: '.region-footer-secondcolumn'
Footer third column: '.region-footer-thirdcolumn'
Footer fourth column: '.region-footer-fourthcolumn'
Footer: '.region-footer'
- label => css selector
- This means regions don’t have to map directly to Drupal theme regions
Given I am viewing an "article" node with the title "My title"
Given a "page" node with the title "About"
Given I am viewing my "Article" node with the title "My latest blog"
Given "Page" nodes:
| title | body |
| About | An about page |
| Contact Us | Our contact information |
Given I am viewing an "article" node:
| title | My title |
| body | Some article content |
| author | Joe Author |
| field_image | image.png |
Then I should be able to edit an "article" node
Given I am an anonymous user
Given I am not logged in
Given I am logged in as a user with the "administrator" role
Given users:
| name | mail |
| Joe | joe@example.com |
| Sally | sally@example.com |
Given I am logged in as "Joe"
Given I am viewing a "tags" term with the name "Category 1"
Given a "tags" term with the name "Category 2"
Given "tags" term:
| name |
| Category 3 |
| Category 4 |
Given I click "manage fields" in the "Article" row # Not specific to taxonomy
* @Given /^I should not see the error message(?:| containing) "([^"]*)"$/
* @Given /^I should not see the success message(?:| containing) "([^"]*)"$/
* @Given /^the cache has been cleared$/
* @Given /^I run cron$/
* @Then /^I should see the link "(?P<link>[^"]*)"$/
* @Then /^I should not see the link "(?P<link>[^"]*)"$/
* @Then /^I (?:\\|should )see the heading "(?P<heading>[^"]*)"$/
* @Then /^(?:I|I should) see the text "(?P<text>[^"]*)"$/
* @Then /^I should not see the text "(?P<text>[^"]*)"$/
* @When /^I visit "(?P<path>[^"]*)"$/
* @When /^I click "(?P<link>[^"]*)"$/
* @When /^I press the "(?P<button>[^"]*)" button$/
Note: The source for these is located at vendor/drupal/drupal-extension/src/Drupal/DrupalExtension/Context/DrupalContext.php
Load subcontexts from outside Drupal root. Be sure to change the path for your system
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | default:
features: 'features'
goutte: ~
selenium2: ~
base_url: http://drupal.l
blackbox: ~
- "/path/to/subcontexts/outside/of/drupal/"
1 2 3 4 5 6 | Drupal\DrupalExtension\Extension:
log_out: "Sign out"
log_in: "Sign in"
password_field: "Enter your password"
username_field: "Nickname"
Normally, to create a node.
Given "article" nodes:
| title | body | created | status | promote |
| Test article | PLACEHOLDER BODY | 07/27/2014 12:03am | 1 | 1 |
Note, created.
Given "article" nodes:
| title | body | published on | status | promote |
| Test article | PLACEHOLDER | 04/27/2013 11:11am | 1 | 1 |
Note, published on.
* Hook into node creation to test `@beforeNodeCreate`
* @beforeNodeCreate
public function alterNodeParameters(EntityEvent $event) {
// Change 'published on' to the expected 'created'.
$node = $event->getEntity();
if (isset($node->{"published on"})) {
$node->created = $node->{"published on"};
unset($node->{"published on"});
Also available:
- @beforeTermCreate
- @beforeUserCreate
Given "tags" terms:
| name |
| Tag one |
| Tag two |
| Tag three |
| Tag four |
And users:
| name |
| Joe |
| Mike |
And "article" nodes:
| title | field_tags | author |
| An article by Joe | Tag one, Tag two, Tag three | Joe |
| An article by Mike | Tag four | Mike |